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GSI Allegro


Have you ever had your boss ask you to take a day off work so you can come to your workplace and get paid by a different company?

I was working for a commercial photography and videography company at the time, as a video production assistant and video editor. One of our clients, Grason-Stadler (GSI), was browsing acting and modeling agency websites when they stumbled upon my listing. They remembered me from the studio, so they decided to hire me!


I was informed by one of the project supervisors that GSI almost exclusively hires women as their audiologist models—that I was the first man to be cast in this role. My playful joke in response:

“I sure am proud to finally pave the way for all of us poor, underrepresented white men.”

Jokes aside, I had a really fun time with this project, because I was working with the people I worked with every day…but on the other side of the camera. I pretended to be an extremely needy actor, just to give my co-workers a hard time. “I need water, now!” Haha! It was such a unique situation that I don’t think I’ll ever experience again.

I did my best to make everyone laugh, while maintaining my composure when the cameras were firing. It was a great time, and I hope the product sells well!


The photography turned out absolutely beautiful, and the image has been used in several places, including the official brochure for the GSI Allegro. Check out the Grason-Stadler website for more information, or read the brochure for yourself!